Bachelor of Performing Arts(BPA)

  • BPA (Dance - Kathak)
  • BPA (Music-Vocal)
  • BPA Music Instrumental (Sitar)
  • BPA Music Instrumental (Tabla)
  • English
  • हिंदी
Dept of Kathak

Kathak is known as one of the most expressive classical dance forms in India. It has its vivid expressions and unique language.

The Department of Dance was established at JLN GC of Fine Arts to promote and preserve the rich cultural heritage of India and promote the interests of un-derstanding our values in a better way and these have been the mission of this Department. The Department also works for the preservation and enhancement of the art of Kathak dance style, thus enhancing the cultural heritage of India

The Department of Dance offers learning experience through Under Graduate B.P.A.level courses in the College. With its several internal and external pro-grammes, starting from regular teaching classes, proper holding of exams, Youth Festival Competitions, arranging of seminars, lecture-cum-demonstration, workshops and cultural programmes — tries its level best to reflect as well as satisfy the mission and goals of the College. Students of this Department par-ticularly act as cultural ambassadors of Himachal and Indian arts in general. Since its inception, the Department has done its best in teaching and promoting not only classical dance (Kathak) and folk dances of India but also acts as a cen-tre for research activities in Dance. In a short span of years, the Department has grown by leaps and bounds, offering a unique curriculum to its students.


Prof. G.K. Bhardwaj

Music is probably the most sublime form of creativity with a universal ap-peal. It is one form of art, which is meant for everyone to understand

Whatever the language may be, music itself speaks one language of the soul and the heart. No wonder, it has been called the elixir of life. Music is the harmoni-ous voice of creation, an echo of the invisible world. The highest graces of music flow from the feelings of the heart. Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit and never dies. Music is the only one of al the fine arts in which not only man, but all other animals — mice and elephants, spiders and birds — have a common property.

A decade ago or so, learning music was one thing and taking it as your ca-reer was another. It was looked down upon. The simple reason being that music paid was very little and if you did not have any alternate source of income, life was a struggle. But with the advent of satellite channels and the emergence of videos, Android phones, YouTube, WhatsApp, the album culture and other modern tech-niques, the scenario has changed in the last few years. Today, anybody remotely connected to music has at least an album to his/her credit.

Gone are the days, when a select few had the privilege to learn music, be-cause good teachers were very few and far between. But now everybody who is interested in taking up a deeper study of music can do so by enrolling in Bachelor in Fine Arts (B.F.A.) and taking up the course of Bachelors in music. This can be followed by a Masters Degree in many Universities.

J.L.N. Govt. College of Fine Arts, Shimla was envisioned keeping in view this idea that the trusted expression of people is in its dance, music and cultural her-itage. Formal study and training programmes in music include music theory, histo-ry of music, music interpretation, composing, conducting, voice instructions etc. The importance of formal training (4 years) and constant practice, dedication and discipline combined with an intuitive understanding of music has always been em-phasised. In addition, in this age of cut-throat competition, music must be market-savvy and possess indispensable PR skills.

Dept of Music (Instrumental)

Music is a form of art which makes you comfortable with different tones and pitches, with melody and harmony. Music has been called the universal language that speaks not only to the ears of living beings but also to their hearts, with an immediate emotional and spiritual appeal. Musical instruments have an important place in the field of Indian music. They hold a significant place in promoting India’s unique culture of unity in diversity.

Instruments: A Brief Introduction

Indian musical instruments have been divided into four main categories on the basis of how sound is produced:

The TataVadya or Chordophones - Stringed instruments

The SushiraVadya or Aerophones - Wind Instruments

The AvanadhaVadya or Membranophones - Percussion instruments

The Ghana Vadya or Idiophones (non-drum percussion instruments)- Solid instruments which do not require tuning

Under the present circumstances, it is possible to impart education, knowledge and training in our Institution in one instrument only, i.e., the Sitar.

The Sitar

The sitar is one of the most popular string instruments in the modern era. It has gained popularity both in India and in the West over the past few decades. According to musicologists, the origin of the sitar was influenced by the ‘Veena’ — considered the mother of all instruments — which was one of the most popular and widely-used instruments in the ancient times. The structure and tonal quality of the modern sitar is the result of several years of hard work and devotion put in by artists and craftsmen. For centuries, the sitar has undergone a sea of transformation and has improved beyond recognition.

In Instrumental Music, there are 'Swars 'and 'Laya' as primary elements,but the role of 'Words' is substituted with 'Stokes or Boles'.

The modern sitar has 6-7 main strings — which are played by a wire plectrum called ‘mizrab’ — and 16-22 metal frets that are adjusted to alter the pitch.Below the frets of Sitar are thirteen sympathetic strings which are tuned to the notes of the Ragas. A gourd at the lower end of the neck of the sitar works as a resonator. The sitarist’s ‘gharana’ (school of music), tradition, style and personal preference add to the creative aspect of playing the instrument and give it its unique flavour.

The Department
The most important goals of the Department of Music Instrumental in the College : To give knowledge through both methods — traditional as well as institutional, simultaneously. To provide professional education of music that develops and nurtures the talent of the students and assures their competency in all aspects of the discipline. To train students to develop their creative and intuitive abilities. Keeping these goals in mind, the Department encourages and promotes students through various activities like seminars, workshops and demonstration and interactive programmes, and provides exposure via performances in youth festivals and competitions where our students win laurels and make the Institution proud.

"The art of relationships is like a musical instrument. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play by the heart."


Taal word is derived from the Sanskrit word which means 'the base’. Taal (Rhythm) is the base of all types of music whether it is Vocal, Instrumental or Dance. Since the 18th century, Tabla has been the principal rhythmic instrument in Hindustani classical music, where it may be played solo, as accompaniment with other instrument and vocals, and as a part of larger ensembles. It is most commonly used in North Indian classical music, but its versatility in all musical styles has enabled it to become the most popular percussion instrument. Tabla has enjoyed unprecedented popularity worldwide over the last thirty years. The level of sophistication and tonal beauty it possesses has elevated the instrument to an unmatched status in the world of percussion.

Nobody can expect to be a true musician without diving deep into the theoretical concepts that form the basis of Hindustani Classical Music. The study of Tabla is in the oral tradition and is a continuation of the Pakhawaj repertoire, which is thousands of years old, and has developed into a supremely refined style, technique, and literature.

Department of Tabla was established at JLN GC of Fine Arts to promote and preserve this rich repertoire. Every year the students of the department participate in different cultural activities, University Youth Festivals and get a number of awards and medals for the College.

BPA Music Instrumental (Tabla)
"I don’t want to appear deaf and dumb in the western world"

__Rudolf Nureyev, the Russian, greatest ballet dancer of the world (upon being asked why he felt the need to learn English Language)

Welcome to the world of English Language and Literature in JLN Govt College of Fine Arts !

As you continue to read information on this website, you will begin to realise the significance of the Word — the written as well as the spoken word — because we humans use words to transfer our thoughts from one person to the other. No doubt that a smashing knowledge of the mother-tongue is crucial to communication, but what do you do when you emerge from the small villages, towns, States, nations………and out into the wide, wide world ? Do you then wish to appear "deaf and dumb" to the world out there ? Do you want to be invisible ? Do you want to always appear helpless ?

Your answer, for sure, is a BIG, resounding "NO" !

We all want to be seen, we all want to be heard, we want to be recognised.

There is an innate and inherent need in human beings to be understood, especially by other human beings. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we do not want to be alone. We all want to connect, to communicate. And when we wish to communicate on the global level, there appears the need for a language that is spoken by the majority of the western world. That language is the English Language.

Don’t you want to know what to say, how to say, how to write, how to express in a language that is understood by a vast majority of people ? Don’t you want to appear confident in the knowledge that you know more than just one language ? Don’t you want to be able to write an impressive application, resume, CV and articles, essays and poems in a language that can be coherent to a large number of people ? The answer this time, for sure, is a BIG, resounding YES !

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way."

___Frank Smith

We all know that English, as a global language, garners mutual respect among people who know it. Of course, it is a powerful medium for trade, commerce and business. So it opens up wide horizons of possibilities, progress and prosperity for the rich and poor alike, as long as the language is learnt with diligence. For the creation of such an awareness, the College offers to its students, a few courses in English Language and Literature.

The Department of English Language and Literature

The College has courses in English pertaining to texts of renowned scholars, grammar related to these texts and skill-based writing that gives them a taste of how to present their work or express themselves effectively. Since the pieces of writing are extremely comprehensible and relevant, reading and practising them not only improves the basic language skills of the scholars, but also releases emotions of empathy and connection with society and humanity at large. Studying literature makes them more observant of their surroundings and human behaviour which helps them to articulate more effectively in their respective fields of painting, dancing, music, sculpture and applied arts.

"Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom"

___Roger Bacon

Hope to see you all soon in the College !

नमस्कार ,हिन्दी गलियारे में आपका स्वागत है। हिन्दी भाषा हमारी मातृभाषा ही नहीं बल्कि बहुतायत भारतीयों द्वारा प्रयोग में लाई जाने वाली सर्वप्रिय भाषा है । आज के समय में हिंदी विश्व की पांच सबसे प्रसिद्ध भाषाओ में से एक है | हिंदी ही एक मात्र ऐसी भाषा है जिसमें इंसान अपनी भावनाओं की अभिव्यक्ति पूर्ण रूप से कर सकता है अन्यथा ये गुण किसी अन्य भाषा में पूर्ण रूप से नहीं पाया जाता| हिंदी भाषा भारत देश का गौरव है। भारत की राजभाषा हिंदी का इतिहास लगभग एक हजार साल पुराना माना जाता है।इस सरल और उदार भाषा की ख़ासियत है कि इसे जैसा लिखा जाता है वैसा ही बोला भी जाता है इसलिए कोई भी इस भाषा को आसानी से सीख सकता है। हिंदी शब्द का सम्बन्ध संस्कृत के सिंधु शब्द से माना जाता है। सिंधु सिंध नदी को कहा जाता था। यही सिंधु शब्द ईरानी में जाकर हिन्दू , हिंदी और फिर हिन्द हो गया और इस तरह इस भाषा को हिन्दी नाम मिला। हिंदी भाषा ना केवल भारत में बोली जाती है बल्कि मॉरीशस, फिजी, गयाना, सूरीनाम, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, दक्षिण अफ्रीका, यमन, युगांडा, सिंगापुर, नेपाल, न्यूजीलैंड और जर्मनी जैसे देशों के एक बड़े वर्ग में भी प्रचलित है।

हिंदी का उद्भव देवभाषा संस्कृत से हुआ है जो इतनी समृद्ध और आधुनिक है कि उसे कंप्यूटर और कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता में प्रयोग करने के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त भाषा माना जाता है। हिंदी की वर्णमाला दुनिया की सबसे व्यवस्थित वर्णमाला है जिसमें स्वर और व्यंजनों को अलग-अलग व्यवस्थित किया गया है।

हिंदी भाषा की लिपि देवनागरी है जो विश्व की सर्वाधिक वैज्ञानिक लिपि है। हिंदी वर्णमाला में हर ध्वनि के लिए लिपि चिन्ह है यानी हम जो भी बोलें, उसे आसानी से लिखा भी जा सकता है।

हिंदी भाषा का शब्दकोश बहुत विशाल है जिसमें हर कार्य के लिए बहुत से शब्द मौजूद हैं। इस शब्दकोष में शब्दों की संख्या 2.5 लाख से भी ज्यादा है और ये संख्या तेजी से लगातार बढ़ रही है। हिंदी भाषा इतनी लचीली है कि इसमें दूसरी भाषाओं के शब्द भी आसानी से समा जाते हैं। हिंदी में साइलेंट लेटर्स नहीं होते हैं इसलिए इसके लेखन और उच्चारण में शुद्धता रहती है।

हिंदी ऐसी व्यावहारिक भाषा है जिसमें हर सम्बन्ध-रिश्ते के लिए अलग-अलग शब्द दिए गए हैं। आज दुनिया में दूसरी सबसे ज्यादा बोली जाने वाली भाषा के रुप में हिंदी ने अपनी जगह बनायी है। हिंदी भाषा की समृद्धता का अंदाजा इस बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि इस भाषा की पांच उप-भाषाएँ हैं और कम से कम सोलह बोलियां प्रचलन में हैं।

सोशल मीडिया के इस दौर में इंटरनेट पर हिंदी का प्रयोग बहुत तेजी से बढ़ रहा है और फेसबुक, ट्विटर पर भी हिंदी का प्रयोग बहुत बढ़ा है।
हिंदी भाषा कितनी समृद्ध है, ये तो आप जान ही गए हैं और आज के दौर में हिंदी भाषा को धीरे-धीरे अपना वो मुकाम फिर से मिलने लगा है जो गुलामी के दौर में उससे छीन गया था।

जवाहरलाल नेहरू राजकीय ललित कला महाविद्यालय में विभिन्न संकायों के द्वितीय व तृतीय सत्र के तमाम छात्रों को हिन्दी विषय अनिवार्य रूप से(प्रयोजनमूलक हिन्दी व अनिवार्य हिन्दी के रूप में) पाठ्यक्रम में शामिल किया गया है ताकि विद्यार्थियों को हिन्दी व्याकरण व हिन्दी साहित्य का ज्ञान मिल सके। व तमाम विद्यार्थी भी

अपनी राजभाषा से प्रेम करें और उसके प्रसार और विस्तार में योगदान दें क्योंकि अपनी भाषा से प्रेम करना अपने देश से प्रेम है।

डॉ. आशा शर्मा
प्राध्यापिका हिन्दी ।

Click Link to apply for Lalit Kala scholarship
Application for providing scholarship(Lalit Art Academy)2023-24
Notice for Roll-on admissions of 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester for the session 2024-25.